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Everything posted by hammerforged

  1. Congrats to your daughter on the home run - going to be dodging rain drops and working in the shop all weekend. Have a few pieces to get finished up for clients before hunting season gets here and a set of steak knives to start on. Also, picked up a contract today for some pieces for the local SWAT Team so I hope to start on the design for them this weekend.
  2. Not even close - there will be a total of 1091 Rifles and Bowies produced - I chose serial number 0257 of 1091 because I was born February of 1957.
  3. This is what the Bowie Knives look like - 50 down 1041 to go. Big bruisers - overall length 14 inches with a 2 inch wide 8 inch long blade, Handles are Desert Ironwood with a Bronze guard and Harness leather pre-guard.
  4. So this Lady arrived yesterday. This is the rifle that is part of the set I am making the 1091 Bowie Knives for. Henry in 45-70 with hand engraved receiver by Barron's of London. This one is serial number 0257BISON1091. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2pMEjNZdDGMU19URTMyU3REWkk/view?usp=drivesdk
  5. It is not that I am against wearing a suit and tie, after looking at the members list they sent me in the registration packet this is a pretty hoy paloy gathering. I mean the members list reads like a whos who in politics and entertainment. All of the Bushs are members along with Kid Rock and Tom Selleck, Clint Eastwood, and a laundry list of those in the Country music industry. I just am not sure if I could even carry on a conversation with that class of folks. I am going to go this one time but am not sure if I will join or not. I have been invited as a prospect for membership in the Grand National Quail Club which hosts the hunt.
  6. Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma or near there that can give me some insight into the Grand National Quail Hunt? I have been invited to participate this year in November but from what I see on their web site it is pretty hoity toity and out of my league. Coat and tie required, etc .Hoping someone can tell me different. Heck, I don't even own a coat and tie. I do have one set of overalls that don't have any holes in them - yet.
  7. Best of luck - and welcome to the campfire, pull up a stump and set a spell.
  8. We stay in Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge every other year for the week of Thanksgiving, this last year we were caught in the middle of the devastating fires there. Glad to see the area is bouncing back.
  9. Update - looks like the combination of the Ghost Pepper Powder and his own poop did the trick. He hasn't dug any holes in the yard in a couple of weeks now. Thanks everyone for the advice.
  10. Rushing to get things finished up for Blade Show next weekend, then have to change gears to work with a film crew from the Department of Defense doing a film about Resilience Forge to show to returning Vets who are interested in another option other than traditional therapy.
  11. Welcome back, I too have recently returned from a too long absence. Congrats to your daughters. Beautiful bird.
  12. Tried Ghost Pepper powder today, so far it has worked. We shall see what the future brings.
  13. Bowie has been an absolute perfect family member until this past week. All of a sudden he took to digging in one specific spot in the yard. he dug up and killed a 5 year old Japanese Red Maple. Nothing I do will keep him from returning and digging up this spot. I keep refilling the hole and he keeps digging it back up. I have tried the sprays to keep dogs and cats away and Cayenne Pepper but to no avail. I am at my wits end, he now has an area about 4 feet in diameter and about 3 feet deep.
  14. Will be spending as much time as possible in the shop getting ready for the Blade Show in Atlanta soon.
  15. Schweeeet, Congratulations
  16. Outstanding, Congratulations. I look forward to reading the article.
  17. I am so jealous right now, as I stated in the Bucket List thread, an Axis with my crossbow or muzzleloader is high up on my list.
  18. I think we will see another cold snap before it is all said and done but I gotta tell ya, I am NOT liking these mid to upper 70 days. It is hard enough forging in the main heat of the summer, the winter gives me some relief and makes it easier to stand in front of that forge. I am worried for the Peach and Apple farmers, if the peaches and apples start to blossom and we do get another cold snap that would be disastrous for them.
  19. hammerforged

    Bucket List

    I really want to take an Axis with my crossbow and a Pronghorn with my Muzzleloader or an Axis with my Muzzleloader and a Pronghorn with my crossbow doesn't really matter which way it goes either way would make me happy. There is also a Ghost Phase Gobbler I have been patterning the last few seasons that I would love to take out, noticed there were 3 Ghost Phase Jakes in the bunch this fall but we only have a spring season here in South Carolina, so I will be hoping to check that one off the list in another few weeks.
  20. Welcome to the campfire pull up a stump and set a spell.
  21. Ran up on this herd in northern California on my way back from Alaska this past fall while driving through the Redwood Forest.
  22. I have the Nikon Pro Staff as well and it is rock solid and by far the best ML scope I have used to date.
  23. I too have run across this issue and have been using True Timber lately with good results. Tried it mainly because it is made right here in Spartanburg, SC and they have a good range of light to dark patterns that work well here in the dense thickets we have. I did hear a rumor that True Timber may be selling out to Bass Pro though or at least partnering with them.