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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Everything looking good but the soybean/clover plot - soybeans came up but clover there is sparse...wondering if birds got to some seed...
  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....lol. Nice and congrats! Kinda like having a new bow isn't it?
  3. lol hoosier! So far HDX working well, I like it! I think I picked up a tiny bit of speed with it but I notice my bow is a lot more quiet. Was shooting a WB rest before. I need to get some felt to put on the riser to pad where the rest hits, other than that no problems!
  4. I've had the same issue - will work on some forums but not on others...
  5. Thanks db! Got the target at Gander Mountain for $75 because someone had returned it - the reason listed was something like couldn't get arrows out of target. I haven't had any problem:)
  6. My bow came back Friday via UPS from Fury X Archery/Stage I Strings - Wes there came highly recommended and I am impressed. Got new strings, a tune, and a new rest installed. Other than a sight adjustment, bow shot great. Switched back to Beman ICS Hunter arrows after too many Easton Flatlines breaking last year. String colors are Autumn and Silver.
  7. Temporary spot till I get a better configuration...going to have to put the smaller racks somewhere.... Really interesting to compare the two...the tall 10 has a thicker, rougher coat, grayer muzzle compared to the thick 9...age before beauty, lol!
  8. Post some pics of your work if you can:)
  9. I got a few rows of potatoes in yesterday. Today got the horse fence flagged and mowed some grass down by the food plots and such.
  10. Great photos! I'd do the same thing...don't like anything unnatural in the background. Those rabbits look like they were having a good time....LOL!!
  11. Got some rain last night which will help our gardens and my mini-food plots. Alfalfa started getting shopped late this past week on my road. Corn fields around here the corn is only a couple inches high. Apple trees on our property look loaded!
  12. "Fire is going, gun is loaded. Time to go find a T-rex for the barbecue!"
  13. June 8th and 9th. Going to go shoot both days - 50 targets each day. Looking forward to a lot of fun:toot: By chance any other NYers or out of staters going?
  14. Should be picking up my 10 point from 2012 shotgun season come Monday...as excited as the first one, lol:toot: He is a nice tall 10, dark rack....
  15. Nice job RTF...didn't know you did taxidermy, very nice! Nice mounts ohiobucks!
  16. What's everyone up to this weekend? Glad for the weekend off, needed it to recover from a rough memorial day weekend at work :shifty: Very nice day today but rain tonight and tomorrow. so far I've shot my bow (new rest and strings), got carrot and kale seeds planted, going to go check a trail cam in our woods, then till up part of the garden for more potatoes and pumpkins.
  17. I emailed the dealer and the manager of the store said they don't do DMV registration, most people don't register them. so must mean it's ok to not have to register them.
  18. If a utility vehicle/side by side has to be registered in NY? The DMV mentions ATVs but nothing about UTVs....
  19. I sent JD and also the store manager an email about it. The manger replied back with an apologizing email, haven't heard from JD. Anyhow same store manager has been quick to reply with quotes on the gator. Requested quotes from a couple other stores, have not heard back from them yet.
  20. Awesome bear! Huge claws! Congrats Tim!!
  21. Believe I've seen that here...not sure what it is though. That's my suggestions, take some round up and spray on the plant.
  22. Blade! Hope you have an awesome day!!:happybday:
  23. Thanks db! Yeah I have been comparing the costs and what not...The JD Gator 625i is one that really has me interested....and for the price with a bunch of accessories, it's about the same as a Ranger without. I stopped at a JD dealer today and got some info but could not speak to anyone, they were not busy and I was totally ignored along with my family member, this is not the first time, so they lost a customer.
  24. Yeah I was looking online last night...was looking at Rangers and John Deere Gators....seems like a little more bang for the buck with a Gator 550. Anyone know how the warranties and repairs are on these things?