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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. I am going to start researching as I'd like to get a side by side/ UTV type of vehicle within the next 6-12 months. I was going to get an ATV but the number of patients I take care of after having flipped or had an accident with their ATV, I've decided I'd rather go the other way like Ranger/Gator, etc.... So what are you guys driving and what do you like/don't like? What I'd be using mine for is work around home, like maybe hauling dirt/manure, farm stuff, eventually probably pulling equipment for small food plots, and most likely going through the woods on trails and what not, hauling deer, or going for some evening rides around home. Anything I need to know about purchasing? I'm assuming like cars, it needs to be registered?
  2. Well everything started coming up this week. The soybean/clover plot is just sprouting. The purple top turnip plot is up - wow they sprout fast, and the clover only plot is also just starting. Actually I think it may be clover/chicory mix. The seed I bought from our local feed mill and it was called Big Buck ...I know it is clover and may be chicory. Bought the seed last fall. It's coming up very nicely.
  3. Still waiting on my bow to come back, was suppose to be shipped this week, looks like maybe next week I'll have it back
  4. Yeah, didn't go out this AM...cold and windy out there. Working all weekend.
  5. Happy Birthday Mrs Strut10! Hope you have an awesome day!
  6. Good read! Bows for Women | Article | Realtree ®
  7. I didn't go out at all this weekend. The small piece of land I was hunting up the road, there are some guys that come out on the weekend and hunt it, so I left it alone. Like Range said, I felt it wasn't worth getting out of bed. I will get back out this week, maybe I can strike up a bird. I haven't seen any jakes yet this year, I think there are more older birds that are educated. I think last year was not a good nesting year.
  8. Turkeygirl


    Very sad....anyone hear anymore from Jeramie or any other Oklahoma Realtreers? God be with everyone there.
  9. Yeah no one plants many soy beans in this area so I'm curious to see how they do, they are forage soybeans. I threw the clover in case they don't do well or like you said the deer mow em' down. Last year I saw a couple soybean fields several miles away. Waiting on some rain here now.
  10. But I got done what I wanted. Along the edge of our hay field bordering the apple trees I planted about a 5 foot wide by approx. 40 yard strip of soy beans with a little clover, want to see how that does. Then on the back corner opposite the apple trees, I planted a small area with purple top turnips and down from that I planted another area with just clover. All of this done with a Husqvarna rototiller....man I can see why an atv would be easier, lol. Anyone else planting plots?
  11. Well the really big farm the owns about 1/2 the county has been plowing and planting the last few weeks. Some of the small farms I noticed started in this last week. And as usual the one farm that we lend use of our field to, they haven't anything yet. It's a matter of time before they go under, completely. There land was where I hunted my entire hunting life until last year the big farmer in the area bought it all when it was taken by the bank. But can't complain when hunting a smaller piece down the road and tagging 2 big bucks!We have peas and onions planted and most of our veggie gardens are tilled, most planting will be done next weekend.
  12. Here ya go: (1) A,B,D (we use cheap baby wipes for all of those options). (2) A. (3) C. (4) A (it's clever). (5) A or E - "Dirt B Gone Wipes'
  13. Yeah dB, I wonder the same thing, hope someone left us some birds. I went out yesterday AM after working the night before, heard nothing in the early AM then heard a gobble from a bird late M at some dogs barking. I didn't go out this AM, worked till 11pm again last night and was so tired, slept will 10am. I will probably go out tomorrow and maybe Monday AM. Couple years ago on the last day took a friend out and got a bird to respond on state land, going to hit that area at some point but just not looking like a good year.
  14. Glad to hear you are in my boat as well OhioBucks...good luck to ya! I've heard little gobbling, and birds just aren't responding....
  15. Nothing yet here....went out yesterday about 9:30am to the field where I'd last seen a bird, def. found the gobbler's tracks in the mud, few days old....also some other boot tracks. Nothing yesterday or today...didn't find anything in the field indication the bird got taken but ya never know. Going to try to go out tonight to another spot and listen, thinking this bird may be on another hill.
  16. Well I got a little bit of a discount so that helped, lol Don't expect to have another year like it anytime soon!
  17. Here you all go:clap::clown: And get this, my shogun buck which will be ready in a few weeks, the taxidermist said when he was doing the hide, found someone shot it in the face/neck with birdshot...can you believe that!?
  18. Wasn't able to get it yesterday, but am picking it up today on the way to work! So pics tomorrow, stay tuned!
  19. c_lou and JoshM! Hope you 2 have a great day! :clown::happybday::happybday:
  20. To all the mom's out there! Hope you enjoy your special day!!!:yes: Although every day should be mother's day, lol!
  21. Well I'm beat, lol. Ran the 5K this AM with another girl...I probably could have run the whole thing but was nice and walked with her when she had to stop and walk.....Was a lot of fun but tough course - ran through grass, mud, gravel/rocks, and some uneven ground for sure! Gotta head off to work, hope it's not busy because I'm exhausted!
  22. Have a great time Steve! Post pics when you get back! And eat some fresh salmon for us!!
  23. Well I went back this AM ,sat in that field for 5 hours, heard a bird gobble way off the property just after 5:30am...he only gobbled a handful of times, that was it. A little after 5 I heard someone coyote howl off the hill I came in on, then they went below me on the other side of the field cranking on a crow call...the sun was barely rising!! Think they did a loop around me and went up towards the bird but that bird was shut up tight. Working this weekend so no hunting but that's ok, the weather looks horrible and with a cold front coming, things are going to shut down I think. Will be back at it Monday/Tuesday.
  24. Got the word last night my archery buck is done!! Picking it up Sunday on the way to work, very excited!
  25. Went out this AM but got rained out...didn't hear anything. Had my rain gear but by 8 gave in, was feeling damp and it's still raining now. Will go back in the AM pending no other hunters.