I wonder if one of there followers was someone who hit a deer and left it laying in a field alive last night:hammer1:
Driving home about 11:30pm I just happen to see out of corner of my eye something darking laying off the road edge in a field...I kept driving then decided to turn around and go back. Mind you it's dark but clear skies and snow made it light. Sure enough I go back and it's a deer laying there. I get out and take a few steps and can see blood in the snow, the deer tries to get up and flops over, it's back end bloody and mangled, looked like it's hind legs completely shattered. I drove home, called the DEC, no one on duty, so called the state police and asked someone to go dispatch it and gave them directions, they said they'd send someone out to take care of...I hope they did. It disgusts me that someone would leave it lay there...it must have done some damage to their vehicle...
See PETA....hunting and hunters are not cruel.... If anything hunters, at least I would hope so, have a heart for the animals they hunt. Stick that in your pipe:cool2: