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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Keep at it! My first year I didn't get a deer, infact shot a beautiful buck and lost it then a few weeks later found the carcass but someone cut the antlers off.... Try and go on weekdays to public land...around here at least public land is a little more quiet. Also a few weeks into the season there seems to be less people out. Keep asking for permission, you could even put an ad in a local paper saying something along the lines of "looking for land to hunt". Look for any local conservation clubs as well...don't give up.
  2. So I sent an email to Scott but from what I've heard from others, Scott could build me a Shark on a shorter rod and a smaller strap which would be awesome, it would be nice to have a release short enough that I could finally wrap my finger well around the trigger...
  3. Thanks db! Def. think I'm going to get a Shark...looking up the Sabertooth as well, it looks like it can be made shorter but with the trigger more forward, I dunno if that'd make a difference in where it'd hit my finger. I think I liked the Shark because of such a smooth release and it fit naturally, trigegr in about the same spot as the TruFire Edge I've been using.
  4. Shot a Shark and loved it. Tried it last night. Tried a Cougar and Itty Bitty but with trying to close the trigger and the NCS flopping, I fumbled too much, no problem with the Shark! Very smooth and crisp release, had it shortened all the way and it fit well into my finger I think. Questions is do I get the Shark or get a Little Goose which has a rod? Is there any difference between the single and double caliper? The Little Goose looks like it goes a tad shorter compared to the Shark, but I've also read issues about the single caliper gettings burrs and being sticky...any thoughts?
  5. lol db:-p Well I got you one in pink RT AP! lol
  6. Geesh Tim, sorry to hear about the leg, take care of it! I'm guessing from all your driving/flying around.... Thanks for your posts and stories Tim, looking forward to next year!
  7. Turkeygirl


    I use a simple nail or one of those cheap rubber coated ones that's only a few inches long. For them ost part my bow is in my lap ready to go...
  8. Thanks for the input! Leaning towards the bitty goose with NCS, actually planning to hit gander mountain and dick's this Thursday and maybe one of them will have both to try on.
  9. Congrats!! I hope to get my first with a ML this year....got an antlerless tag to use.
  10. Thanks guys...thinking of going with the little goose or little bitty...not sure really what the difference is between the two. Heard good things about the hook style to but like the looks of the placement of the trigger better on the goose, I feel like I'd have to shoot with the tip of my finger on the rhino...
  11. Thanks for doing this Kat! XT - not sure, wondering if a few were under the post count?
  12. Not many places in my area carry Scott releases to try out. I'm looking at Scott releases and was considering a Rhino XT (a little pricey, not sure I like the trigegr so far forward) or a Little Goose/little bitty goose (downside would be having to remember to manually close the trigger but no biggy).... Wondering if anyone else here uses one or a Scott release for that matter? Seems alot of women like the little goose type release but some like the rhino xt as well.
  13. Thanks everyone! Yeah, I saw the the GPI on the Flatlines compared to the Bemans and was wondering/thinking an arrows with a higher GPI would be a little heavier anyhow....and I am shooting 100 grain tips.
  14. Good luck on the interview Art, keep us posted!
  15. That's why hunting isn't killing...and why I give the thanks and glory to God for the season I had...I put in my work but He blessed me with filled tags. Good luck next seasons!
  16. Now that archery is done, I'm working on switching a few thing with my set-up (sight, release, arrows) and preparing for indoor 3D. I was shooting Easton Flatlines 400s for hunting and have to say they are not durable compared to the Beman ICS I shot with my Hoyt. Every deer I've shot since using these and arrow has broke on. I'm thinking of going back to Beman and was looking at the ICS ProHunters - 500 shaft. My DL is 25" and bow weight currently at 53 lb (may try and go up a pound or 2, will try it next time I've got the bow out). Just wondering from you bow knowledgable people if you think the 500 spine is adequate? The Bemans I shot before were 500s out of a 48 -50 pound Hoyt. Any other arrows and shaft size I should consider instead? I was looking at Eder's, they have decent prices on the arrows, not to mention everything else. I'm looking at getting a copper john sight and Scott release. Thanks!
  17. You need to shoot the bow yourself and decide...I also would recommend trying Elite......
  18. I've usually had more deer sightings in the PM and that's when I've usually shot my deer but all the deer I've taken this year were all in the AM...which was nice, made for better pics,lol
  19. Send some lobster this way;) Be safe!
  20. Thanks everyone...hope this carries over into turkey season, lol
  21. Congrats bb, way to go! We are doing great! Will do Art, I'll keep my ears and eyes open!
  22. Did my doe management this AM:) I was planning to hunt this afternoon down the road, BUT while I was doing barn chores, noticed some deer tracks that came up by our barn which is not common. So I finish inthe barn this AM and as I'm walking down to the chicken coop (which is 1/2 way down in the horse pasture), I'm watching the bank in our woods and low and behold I see 2 deer bedded...holy smokes! I turn around and walk back towards the house (I get behidn the woodpile and then run,lol). I grab my vest and shotgun, holler to my mom there are deer in the woods, she comes out to watch. I've now got the gun loaded and walk casually towards the coop. I get behind a bush, sit down, see one doe, can't get a shot, too many twigs. I stand up and walk a few feet, sit down,still can't get a shot. Move again, sit down, I now see a third deer up higher on the bank cleaning itself, the one in the twigs is still bedded, and now I've got a clear shot at the third one, a doe! All I can remember is putting the crosshairs right on the shoulder and BOOM! Deer jumps up than staggers and falls right over, dead in seconds! Praise God, thank you! I filled my doe tag and am now tagged out for shotgun season:cool2: Zoomed in but taken from the spot I shot from: A good size healthy doe: I still have my antlerless bow/muzzleloader tag for late season but dunno if I'll go out then or not...freezer getting full!