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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Turkeygirl


    Thanks everyone! Got home from work last night and a box was sitting in my room full of the goodies I won, will post a pic! That was fast, I thought they'd send it out when the entire contest ended.
  2. Well my scores for this week and next weren't too bad - for the 2 scores, shot a 143 each, I was happy with them. I felt kinda jittery though and kept punching the trigger, never settle down until the last few shots when I really focused on not letting my brain run away, gotta control the anticipation. I do like this new Copper John sight I put on vs. the extreme I had been using, but noticed the yellow pinwasn't very bright compared to the green and orange and found part of the fiber optic was pinched flat, so in the process of emailing copper john....
  3. Turkeygirl


    Thanks everyone;) I didn't send in my bow one, just the shotgun buck.
  4. I'm debating actually joining the NRA....I don't see how this thing would pass....there'd be so many against it and far too many wouldn't register their guns, can't blame them. It's not going to put a stop to murders.
  5. Well going up today to shoot this week's and next's scores...Hope I can get my act together and stop rushing my shot! Was practicing yesterday, shot well then think I got tired...I forgot to focus on one spot and my eyes start looking at the entire target. I do know with the Scott release, it seems I can tell easier if I punch the trigger or not.
  6. Turkeygirl


    Sent in this photo (taken via my myself and my camera's self timer) to the NY Outdoor News Best Buck Contest. Was at work last night and got a message from a friend who got her issue and I was the weekly winner! Won a bunch of scent products apparently! . When I got home, there lay my issues on the counter, a few pages in there was my mug shot.
  7. THAT'S SO STUPID! Anyway to make money!!!!!! It's not going to stop some mentally ill person take his forearm and go shoot someone....
  8. Anyone seen the commercials for the new pattern? Anyone know when it'll be out in stores? Looks alot like the AP but more gray and more twigs in it which I like, will work well in this area. What do the rest of you think?
  9. The few times I took the TC Omega Z5 out, when I got home I took the breech out and removed the pellets and slug, wiped down the bow, put some gorilla grease on the breech and screwed it back in.
  10. Really out of control lately...Maybe the holidays play a part in setting off the mentally ill...I dunno but the Bible talks about end times....sure seems like we are in them...
  11. Prices are shipped TYD. Doing some clean-out, stuff that I'm not using. Grayling Fletching Jig (straight) - great condition - $20 TYD TruBall Cyclone Release - used but in great condition, never had any problems, did trim the velcro strap a little. Will throw in a TruFire Hybrid strap that is brand new. Fits this release great but too big for my wrist. $30 TYD with the extra wrist strap. TruFire Thumb Release- traded for it to give it a try, couldn't get used to it and too big for my small hand, is in excellent condition, almost new! $35 TYD PM with any questions!
  12. Nice deer fly! I was going to recommend photobucket as well;)
  13. Just got in from shooting my bow (outside in 20 degrees, brrrr). Been getting ready for 3D, shot great today. I have a new set of strings coming in as my servingwhere the loop is has been separating and also on the cams started separating. I'm wondering with a new set of strings, how is that going to affect my set-up? I'm shooting well now, indoor 3D starts next week, I shoot every other week, wanted to get my strings put on before anything else wears out on the current strings, but is there going to be alot of change with my set-up?
  14. I use to have a Scoutguard (before it got stolen) that was excellent on batteries(lithium) and cold weather. Now I have 2 homebrews and a spypoint. Right now only have the homebrew out and it's been out almost 3 weeks, I hope to get out to check it this weekend and will let you know but homebrews are great with batteries. My spypoint is excellent is well, I have lithiums in it.
  15. Next week starts the indoor 3D league I shot in last year. Been trying to shoot my bow, put a new sight on and been tinkering with that and adjusting to my new release. Hope to get a little shooting in today before work. Also got a set of new strings on the way so I'm hoping next week after I shoot my week 1 and 2 scores, I can leave the bow at the shop to get those installed. Anyone else going to be shooting?
  16. I don't like the loud music stuff either, at least the really heavy metal/rock type of stuff which I think is dumb on a hunting show,lol. Just last night there was a hunting show on and I changed because the music at the intro was obnoxious.....
  17. That is awesome dosse, what a monster!! Congrats!
  18. Have fun Tim! Make sure you take lots of pics for us,lol;)
  19. Don't use a rifle...use a 20 ga shotgun with rifled barrel, sabot slugs...thing shoots more like a rifle though;)
  20. Besides celebrating the birth of Jesus, what kind of gifts did you all end up with this year? We had company this Christmas, so our family Christmas we did last night after company left. My sister gave me a book on training gun/hunting dogs...I've mentioned a couple times about getting a hunting dog when my mom's old dog goes. Also got an Archer's Choice Ralph & Vicki calendar...didn't know there was such a thing, very cool (their shows are my favorite)...a ScentLock jacket (in Mossy Oak, don't tell,lol) a women's RT APG camo t-shirt and a gray t-shirt with Realtree on it. Few other small things and some money. We didn't do a tree this year, stayed pretty subdued with having company. Also less clean-up;)
  21. Find some local bows shops, ask around, search online....Best tip is go and have fun!
  22. I also noticed when adjust the trigegr pressure - the heavier I go, the closer the jaws are together when open, compared to if set light, they are wider apart....