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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. I don't put it on for turkeys - I have a turkey barrel on for turkeys but come deer gun season, I take it off and put on my rifled slug barrel - 2 guns in one basically;)
  2. Little late but happy birthday, hope you had a great day!
  3. Hope you had a great day Buckee!
  4. Few pics from the shoot I went to this past weekend. 40 yard moose,had to use my 30 pin and him a tad high, my arrow is the lower one: Left arrow is mine on this elk: I centerpunched these hogs:
  5. Let's put it this way...you don't know what God has planned for you. I went to college, got my Bachelor's in outdoor education/camp administration. A year after graduating went to school and became a RN and currently work as that. Not alot of permanent outdoor related jobs around here but I did work at a camp 5 summers - 3 as a counselor, 2 as the nurse, and loved it.
  6. Trying to spice up this place. Forgot about this photo...Shows 2 of my fav. animals - turkeys and deer! lol:clown: :clap: Anyone else feel free to post up a few of your fav. things/animals/etc....
  7. I do, 20ga to be exact with a rifled barrel and Hornady SSTs:rockon: Only got a rifled barrel in the last 2 or 3 years and put it on my turkey gun. Prior to that used a smooth bore and Remington slugs.
  8. Got 2 trail cams out and hope to check both today. Yesterday driving t work saw 2 flocks of turkeys. Last year we were warm earlier to I think the breeding season started early. Long winter this year so hoping a better huntingseason;)
  9. Key is make it fun for her, don't worry so much about grouping as building her confidence in hitting the target. As she grows up she'll learn how to use certain muscle and develope better form. Important thing is make it fun and enjoyable for her. Good luck!
  10. NIICEE! Never been to a Cabelas but one of these days! Hope the 3 of you have fun!
  11. 20 minute commuter for me...really nice day can cut over a hill and it's maybe 18...drive the backroads so some nice views. Now come winter and driving home at 11pm, on bad snowy nights, twice this year it's taken me an hour...
  12. Outdoor 3D shoot about an hour north of me this weekend, plan to go the 2nd day, Sunday. 3 courses with 10 targets each, $10 to shoot all of them. Just for fun shoot but it'll be fun and good practice. I'll hopefully get some pics! Anyone else doing any shooting?
  13. Nice room and mounts fly!
  14. Turkeygirl

    Got Ice?

    Last night was a fun drive home from work...a usual 20 minute drive took an hour. While at work I watched it snow, then sleet/ice pellets, then rain. Drive home on ice covered roads, all you heard was crunching, it was really slick. Praise God I got home safe, it was a bit scarey:wacko: Anyone else get the snow/ice/rain mix last night?
  15. Thanks guys! I've been debating whether to keep at 24" or cut slightly shorter like 23.75" because of length added by the nock..but maybe that's miniscule? I read what you said db - have the arrow come to just in front of the riser so basically any tip or broadhead would work which makes sense...
  16. I saw it before...show off, lol. Nice bow!
  17. Gotta love NY...I owe NY as well this year, not as much as Fed. but geepers....first eyar I think I've ever owed anything....
  18. Let's get some birds! I hunt in NY as well so like Dan...just waiting:-p Been a couple springs since tagging a bird...if I stopped missing. This year I'm ready to go after em' and with working a 3-11 shift, that means I have mornings to hunt which is ideal since we can only hunt till noon in NY. We all need to decide on a team name:)
  19. Congrats!That gets expensive after awhile:-p I haven't robin hooded one complete but have blood up some nocks and the nock end of the arrows in the past...shoot individual spots so that doesn't happen again;)
  20. Faaannncccyyyyy...lol! Very nice!
  21. I have an H.S. UnderTaker choke for my 20 ga Mossberg 500...doesn't too too bad of a job and it's affordable...
  22. Happy birthday girl, have a great day!! Hope mom and dad cook ya something good :-D
  23. So I probably should go to a heavier arrow? 400 or 5575? I've figured I hunt more than 3D so penetration is probably more important....
  24. I heard another Bass Pro in NY - Utica I think - was in the NY Outdoor News. Do wish a Cabelas would come to NY though. Will have to see how long of a drive to the Ohio one...maybe it's shorted than goign to the one in PA.
  25. 90 views and not one comment..hilarious...lol