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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Almost October break... Well the time we were to leave was moved to 6:15pm so I'm at home right now. I've got a bunch of junk in my chest and didn't sleep too well so I'm tired and not feeling pumped about the trip. If it wasn't that I already paid $20 and they paid for food and stuff, I'd probably back out. Say a prayer that I'm feeling better and the weather cooperates a little better. Thanks
  2. Re: Lab practical Well I survived but brain is completely FRIED! I either forgot or confused a couple but I don't think I did too bad.
  3. In one hour I have an hour and a half lab practical for Local Flora & Vegetation class. We have to write out the common name, latin name, and family name for about 77 trees/shrubs. Of course a smaple of the tree/shrub is there but we have to come up with the names ourselves.For example, Sugar Maple = Acer saccharum = Aceraceae or White Oak = Quercus alba = Fagaceae. Got it? Get it? Good,lmbo!
  4. Re: Who gets flu shots?? I never have, probably won't. I've heard of people getting the flu shot, I actually know a few people at campus, and they just got a cold or the flu anyway. there are so many strains of the flue, that one flu shot is only going to protect you against that flu, none of the others.
  5. Re: Free Wow, that is really awesome! You'd betetr get a deer from it now,lol!
  6. Re: Met Micheal Waddell yesterday! COOL!
  7. Re: Just made some The first day of deer season, my mom always makes us chili, with venison of course, it's tradition but it is good!
  8. Re: My first turkey! Big congrats to you! First turkeys are such a blast! I remember mine, that is for sure. My first was a fall jake also, but it had a very very small beard, like 1/2 inch long,lol
  9. Re: Sheds off harvested bucks? I haven't yet but it would be cool to do so!
  10. Re: Dinosaur\'s Track Valley Cool photos! thanks for sharing!
  11. Re: still sick!!!! All beer will do is dehydrate you because it makes your kidneys work harder. Take some echinacea and garlic.
  12. Well here is my post warning you all where ol' turkeygirl will be the next few days. Tomorrow I leave around 4pm for the backpacking trip in the Adirondacks. From the sound of the weather, it looks like it will be kind of cool and maybe rainy, but I hope I get some nice fews from the top of a mountain somewhere We'll be returning Sunday, maybe early afternoon, so hopefully I'll have a chance to get out and hunt. So after today, you probably won't see me for a few days, don't miss me too much,lol And I'll be sure to get some good photos. Everyone be safe and good while I'm gone
  13. Re: My 12 yr. Old Nieces FIRST Bowkill - Video Cli Way to go and congrats! Great video also!
  14. Re: First Deer of Season (pics) Nice deer! Big congrats to you!
  15. Re: Got me a Doe Congrats buddy! I'm waiting for the video to download but I bet it is cool!
  16. Re: First Bow Kill 2005 (Late Post) Congrats! That will be a tasty doe.
  17. So I finally got some time to go out and shoot my bow with the new Beman arrows. Everything was going fine, arrows going just left of the bullseye, then when I shoot my 4th arrow, it feels like my release catches and the arrow does to fly right. I look at the nock to see it is a little separated. Well I tell andy and he looks at it and finds that there is also a grove worn into, so I need a new nock! Well I run down to the bow shop and thankfully they have one nock left, the kind Andy said to get, an Ultra-Nok XL. So I've got new arrows and a new nock,lol Andy just finished putting it on so I'm going to go give it a try. Wish me luck
  18. Re: TEAM 3 Here's a few other names: "Shots from Above" "Woods Runners"
  19. Re: A new mod??????? Congrats Dogdoc! I wonder if I'll ever get to be a mod.,lol
  20. Next Wednesday, after classes, I will be returning to this wonderful, God created piece of awesomeness and I'm wondering, how is the weather and the leaf change up there? So far the long term forcast which goes until next Wednesday says cool but sunny. I'll be there from Wednesday night (late) and leave to come home on Sunday. We'll be hiking in the High Peaks. Last year alot of the leaves were gone on the mountains and when we got up to the top of Mt. Marcy, it was all clouded in, not too mention cold. I've seen the photos on the internet and it is a dream to be able to see the views from a high peak. This probably going to be my last time in the Adirondacks, for awhile at least since I'll be graduating but it is going to be a blast. So you Adirondack folks, tell me what it is like
  21. Re: Opening day success!!!! Congrats! My success usually seems to come right before or right after Halloween.
  22. Re: yes im still alive Good to hear from ya buddy!
  23. Re: Please Pray Prayers will be sent. How tragic! I hope they find out what happened. What is this world coming to...........
  24. Re: Stupid electric fence LOL, some amusing stories! I'm fine now and the marks are about gone. The memory isn't!
  25. Turkeygirl

    prayers plz

    Re: prayers plz Wow, how horrible, I'm sorry to hear of the loss KC. I'll keep you and your friends and family in my prayers. Be there and mourn with him and just be a friend. It'll get better eventually and the good memories will last forever. Take care of yourself girl.