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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: First Harvest - Commemorative Display Case That is really cool! Nice work!
  2. Re: Here We Go Again Sending prayers your way! I hope things turn out good. Let us know what happens.
  3. Re: Happy Birthday Ryan H! Happy birthday buddy! I hope you get to have a some fun and have a great day!!!!
  4. Re: Shooting a roosted turkey..... I think if someone is hunting for meat in the freezer and a close, humane shot presents itself, why not? I've done it twice but only because I was close and new I could make the shot and I believe when the Lord wants me to be successful, he presents me the opportunity.
  5. Re: HAPPY B-DAY TO AL (DARTONMAN) WINSTEAD Have a wonderful birthday!!!!!!!!
  6. Re: My New Ride! Looksl ike our Cavelier except ours is black and is automatic...no clutch!:-)
  7. Turkeygirl

    Can You?

    Re: Can You? It is very possible. Jamming your finger on a basketball basically sprains the ligaments/tendons in there because it forces the joint in a way it shouldn't be. You probably just overused your finger and starined it a little bit. You can do a buddy tape by taping it to the other finger or do a tape job by tearing small pieces of tape and making an X and put where the X crosses over the joint of your finger tip then just tape the ends. That may help it feel a little better or at least support it but what do I know, I'm only an athletic training minor,lol. I hope it is feeling better!
  8. Re: Wish me luck Well I made it and I'm working custodial,lol. The dentist said the one filling was chipped so he replaced the filling. My mouth is still numb,lol, so I talk like an idiot but oh well. Hopefulyl this will fix the problem!
  9. Re: Photo Contest Cool, can't wait! I have a few pics from this spring and recently, just have to choose. Thanks Billkay!
  10. Turkeygirl

    Wish me luck

    well I have a dentist appointment in a little over an hour at 8:30am. Hopefully the guy can fix whatever is wrong so I can be happy again,lol! When he talked to my mom on the phone, he thought it might be a filling that is close to the nerve so I may be getting re-filled and maybe get my other two fillings so I don't have to go back in a week and a half. I'll let you all know what happens
  11. Re: Quick fix(pics)... I would love to find a moose shed one of these days!
  12. Re: Summer Activities I liek to fish when I am not tired from working custodial all summer. I also will hike alot and just be outside.
  13. Re: Happy Birthday treeslinger! Happy Birthday.! May it be a great one!
  14. Re: Fav fruit honeydew melon ; nectarines
  15. Re: Pretty Amazing Wow, that must be one big group of insects!
  16. Re: Just checking in....had to leave something..... I'm so happy to hear from you! I'vce been wondering where you've been. I think I mentioned you as one of the "members having meaning" or whatever,lol. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and computer. I hope everything works out for the best. I'll keep you in my prayers and I hope to see you more often!
  17. Re: Final Scores I sure would love to be on a winning team some year,lol! My team scored 0 but oh well. Congrats to the winners and thanks for your hard work Borch!
  18. Re: Look at this turkey picture Nice photo! Sure wish I would have had one of those in front of my barrel in May!
  19. Re: hunters ed i passed Congrats!!!!!
  20. Re: Tuesdays my Birthday! 16! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
  21. I am beginning to form a hatred for my teeth. Last Friday, the day before I came home, I had this weird pain between these two teeth (not a cavity). After I few days, I have this weird, throbbing pain, in a nerve I think, the travels from the back of my jaw(molars) and stops between those two teeth. It cmes in waves, sometimes really hurts and sometimes not but it is annoying now so mom is calling the dentist. I'm suppose to go in a couple weeks for some small cavities but this nerve thing is rediculous. Please pray that something is just irritated and I don't have anything major wrong which I don't think is the case. Thanks guys!
  22. Turkeygirl


    How many of you have seen/heard the Common Loon? While in the Adirondacks the last 2 weeks, there were several out on Star Lake and although I heard them when I was really young, hearing them in the Adirondacks makes it more special. There is just something about their calls. the eeriness, and being on the lake in a canoe in the evening with fog settling on smooth water. It is times like these that God's majesty makes you sit in awe. The Loon is such a cool bird!
  23. Re: Members and the way you feel about them Wow, people like me! LOL I'm joking. As I read through these posts, I realized just how many people on here impact us in one way or another. Everyone on here has meaning to me...good meaning,lol! I think it is hard to really pick exactly 5 people because everyone is different and equally helpful!
  24. Re: Report says Sunday hunting would generate revenue NY allows Sunday hunting but I remember they didn't always use to. It would be great for you PA hunters to hunt on Sundays because not everyone can hunt during the week or even Saturdays. I'm sure for some people work 6 day weeks! I know when I'm in the woods on Sunday, being in the woods anytime is like being in church because I find it easier to worship God in His creation. Good luck to you guys in PA
  25. Well my mom and sister got to Star Lake around 1:30pm yesterday and we made it back home safely. I even drove the entire way home (about 5 hours). We even stopped at the Gander Mountain outside of Syracuse I think. It is right along the I-90. Nice place but expensive!!!!!!!! I spent today after sleeping till 9am putting stuff away (still have clothes to unpack), cleaning out some stuff in my room, and weeding out my potatoes and carrots. Still have to plant my pumpkins. I start custodial for the summer at college tomorrow so 6am will come too early!!!! It was a blast in the Adirondacks and I hope to go back again sometime. While hiking, we saw some real nice hunting camps, this one had some nice racks mounted inside; very rustic, very cool! Well thought you'd all like to know I'm back on board!