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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. I watched the game last night on the NHL channel....some darn good hockey. A lot of young talent on the ice for both teams. I suppose Canada has to lose once in a while. Pretty special moment for the kids on team U.S.A. Kudo's to all the Canadian fans for sticking around for the trophy ceremony.
  2. I've had kinda the same thing. Been coughing a lot, had some congestion head aches and a plugged up nose for about 2 weeks. i don't really feel all that bad, but if it makes it through the weekend I'll probably go see the doc.
  3. I have a Scent Blocker Dream Season suit that I won from Drury's a a few years ago. Wether it works as advertised is hard to say. I still hang my stands downwind of where I think the deer will travel. I still get winded a few times a year, and there are times when deer are downwind and don't smell me. I can't really say that i've seen a difference since i've been wearing it. It is a nice piece of camo and has some great features. The stuff is so expensive, I don't know that I would go out and buy a buy a suit unless it was a great deal.
  4. Nice! That's a great Illinois buck! Congrats! I would say upper 130's to 140".
  5. Anywhere but Pike county 10-15 bucks/acre is what I'm hearing.
  6. He's a dandy buck! Congrats!
  7. I hope you get him found Kirk. I know the feeling, man. Keep us informed.
  8. Pretty uneventful weekend for my group. I only hunted Thursday, and naturally since i only have a doe tag, a nice 130" 8 pointer walked 30 yards from me and all i could do was watch. 20 minutes after he walked off the neighbor busted him. I did see a few other small bucks and two does, but never got a shot at the does. I let one of my buddies hunt my stands the rest of the weekend since he wasn't seeing much in his area, and he bagged a fat doe Friday afternoon. I'm still debating on getting another bow tag and trying for another buck, but it will be pretty hard to top my shotgun buck.
  9. Congrats on a nice Illinois buck!
  10. Congrats Fly! It's always nice to put a little more meat in the freezer!
  11. Good luck! I still have a doe tag to fill. I'll probably let one of the other guys that didn't get a deer yet hunt my stands this weekend, so I probably won't hunt too much. I do intened on playing some poker with the boys regardless. Everybody be safe!
  12. Congrats Chris! I'm sure it feels good to wack your first deer on the new piece!
  13. Go get 'em Tony! I had my buddy Reed Beckmann from "The Wild Outdoors" show score my buck for me last week. He came up with 139". He would've been well over 140" if that drop hadn't been busted off. Our second gun season is this weekend, but I only have a doe tag.
  14. Holy cow Hutch....that's a great buck! Congrats to your wife! That's one both of you will remember for a long time.
  15. Congrats Fly! Meat for the freezer, man. It's all about the experience....not the score.
  16. I'm not sue what he'll score yet. I'm having him scored tonight before I take him to the taxidermist. I'm hoping he'll go 140.
  17. That's a load of does....congrats!
  18. Nothing wrong with that deer! He's lots of cool character.
  19. Wheew! He's a pig...congrats! I ws thinking 150's too.
  20. Nice buck! We had some terrible weather over the last few weeks. Sounds like you had a great time!
  21. Last years hunting season was very sub par. I hunted more than ever and only managed two does, both with the shotgun. About 4 years ago i started passing on 1 1/2 year olds, and for some reason, last year they were the only deer to come into bow range, so I never even drew on a deer last season with my bow. This year started the same way, all my buddies killed deer early in October, and I just wasn't seeing squat, despite all my hours in a deer stand. Finally, last Sunday I shot a doe with my bow, and repeated with a fat old slickhead on Thursday is good! Friday was our shotgun opener, and at 8:30 this buck came cruising by looking for a doe. I had him at 50 yards but couldn't get him to stop, so i held my red dot in an opening about 70 yards. I though i had him in the opening, but shot just in front him. As I cycled my shotgun he stopped perfectly braodside in the opening and I made the second shot count! He's my biggest buck to date, and will make a sweet shoulder mount. He's got a split main beam tip and a broken drop tine that's about 1 1/2" long that make him a 10.
  22. Man, what a huge turn of events for me...for the better! After a really slow year last season and a dismall start to this season, things finally turned around for me. As my previous post says, i got the first deer with my bow in two years last Sunday. Thursday i bowhunted and missed a nice 8 at about 7:30( missed judged the yardage), but redeemed myself an hour later when a big old doe walked into the same spot as the buck and I plugged her. Friday morning was our shotgun opener, and at 8:30 this big boy trotted by the wrong stand! I dropped him with about a 70 yard shot. He's going to make a sweet biggest buck to date. He's a main fram 8 with a split main beam and a broken drop(still over an inch long so it counts) for 10 points. In a matter of six days my season went from awfull to one of my most memorable. Here he is....
  23. Mudrunner Team #4- Buck Busters Illinois 10 point Meusurement for the broken drop. tag
  24. Yep! Everybody be safe this weekend and good luck!