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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. True Talker and the Buck Roar are the two i use.
  2. I've had to send my D40 in twice. I believe Melanie is who I dealt with, and never really had any issues. Both times within two weeks I had a new camera. It was summer when I dealt with them, so I imagine they are a little busier now. I doubt I'll ever buy another Moultrie just because of the issues i've had with the camera.
  3. Happy birthday Chris! Hope you have a good one, man!
  4. Deer movement definatley picked up this weekend. Seen 9 deer Friday and only two of them were does. One big 150" 8 was cruising, but I couldn't get him to come in. I seen two bucks and a doe yesterday, and managed to bag the doe. I still haven't seen any hard chasing....been a weird rut so far for me.
  5. That's a dandy 8! Congrats!
  6. 43 is way to young. Sorry for your loss New.
  7. I finally got a doe yesterday morning! I'll get her entered later this week. I seen pretty good movement Friday and Sunday, and a 150 class 8 pointer that I hope to get a shot at. I'm bowhunting Thursday and gun hunting Friday thru Sunday. The only down side is were supposed to get rain today through Wedsnday and most of the property is bottom land, so hopefully it doesn't get flooded.
  8. Man, this weekend was a bust for me. Hunted for three days and never seen a deer. I had high hopes after last weeks movement. The farmers are just now starting on the corn around here. It seems like most movement has been pretty nocturnal. It's got to start picking up any day now.
  9. Man, long weekend for me. Hunted 5 hours Saturday morning,4 hours Sunday morning, 5 hours monday morning, and 4 hours yesterday deer seen....0. I'm not sue if it's the weather being 25 degrees above normal, the corn still being in, or what's going on. I'm off again Friday, so we'll keep plugging away.
  10. I usually do 2 grunts, a bleat, and 1 grunt, one right after the other. I probably only do it every 45 minutes or so when blind calling, and only during the pre-rut and rut. Seems to work best for me when I can see the buck. It usually gets his attention and brings them closer.
  11. Bond seems to be a pretty solid county for deer hunting. Big bucks killed there every year. I live right next door in Madison county, and actually am hunting on a buddies place by Greenville lake a few times this year. If your family has the land you might as well go for it.
  12. Not much for Blues fans to talk about. They flat out stink at home. The team captain Eric Brewer has been back for three games and is already a -4. He put one in his own net for the Flames last night as the Blues lost in o.t. I don't know how this guy ended up a captain....he's a third line defenseman at best. Oshie is back which is good, and Lars Eller looked good in his debut scoring the Blues only goal.
  13. Man, if it was any other time of year i'd be there. Unfortunately I haven't filled a deer tag yet this year, and things are starting to pick up, so I'll be gone hunting all weekend. I'm sure everyone will have a great time!
  14. Seen some fairly good movement yesterday. My buddy rattled in a small 5 pointer. The highs this weekend are supposed to be in the 70's, so the next cold front, I think, should kick things up a notch. The moon is getting darker every night too, so the next two weeks should be prime.
  15. Seems like it went through here a few weeks ago. Both of my kids were sick for about 3 days. My daughters kindergarten class has 21 kids, and there were between 9 and 11 kids out sick each of the week. They sent a letter home saying that since the regular flu season hasn't started here yet, that more than likely if your child is sick it's the swine flu. Luckily I haven't heard of any really sever cases here locally.
  16. I played a little hooky from work yesterday. Hunted till about 11 and had a little forky tempting me. he hung around for about a half hour and gave me three opportunties to whack him at 15, 30, and about 5 yards. I haven't killed a deer with my bow in two years, so he doesn't realize how close he was to going in the freezer. The weather here finally dried up, and the farmers are going at it pretty hard to get the crops out. On the down side the highs are supposed to be in the 70's this weekend.
  17. Same here. The stuff has worked great for me on carburetors.
  18. That's a great story man! Did you go to Edwardsville?
  19. Congrats to your buddy on a great buck! October has been pretty lousy...glad to see it go!
  20. Another slow weekend here. On the bright side, it looks like we finally have a few dry days coming up, so the farmers should be out in full force this week getting some of the corn out. Things should really start picking up here in a week or so, and I plan on hitting it pretty hard over the next three weeks.
  21. If I ever switch from Crimson Talons, then the Strykers would be what I would shoot. I got a free one a few years ago and shot it a few times. It seemed to fly right with my field tips and was a sharp, solid head.
  22. That's a great buck!Congrats!
  23. Same here. Found one scrape yesterday and very few rubs. I guess this is what's called the October lull. Really not even seeing a lot of fresh tracks.
  24. Boy, you guys are whackin' and stackin'! No shots this weekend. I had a vacation day Friday, but both kids were sick so I had to stay home with them. I got out Saturday, and seen a few does, had one at twenty yards Saturday night, but it was just a fuzz too dark and I didn't want to make a bad shot. I was off yesterday and spent about 10 hours in a tree and didn't see a deer. It was warm and rainy so I wasn't expecting much.